About Journal

Social capital is a new concept that has come to prominence in most branches of humanities and sociology in recent decades. It is considered as one of the main factors enhancing the norms, common values, empathy, and cooperation in the society and consolidates the humans, organizations, and governments. Undoubtedly, the two factors of social capital and development are highly important and interrelated. Social capital manifests itself in every economic, political, and cultural aspect of the society and helps citizens to overcome their collective problems. Similarly, at the individual level, individuals who have this capital are more inclined toward a healthier and happier life and cooperation in social activities and so, enjoy higher life quality. When social capital is present in a society, the government puts its plans more effectively into practice, but when social capital is frail, the government cannot manage various crises well. Social capital even influences other types of capital such as physical and human ones.

Due to the importance of social capital, this journal intends to explicate the concept of social capital – especially from the viewpoint of Islam – and provide ways to enhance it at various individual, organizational, inter-organizational, and social levels so that a healthy, happy, and religious society is attained.