Environmental factors are deemed as destructive, threatening, and actual challenges facing the foundations and performance of governmental organizations, and this has led some to call them the organizational rip currents. In order to counter this phenomenon, organizations can use organizational transparency and social capital concepts. The study at hand was carried out to manage organizational rip currents with an emphasis on the social capital and organizational transparency variables. The study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of research method. The statistical population of the study regarded some of employees of governmental organizations in Mazandaran province, out of which a sample of 191 individuals was selected using cluster random sampling method. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire whose reliability and validity was confirmed through Chronbach’s alpha and combined validity by the professors and experts familiar with the topic. The data analysis was done by Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling using SPSS and PLS software packages. The findings of the structural equation modeling demonstrated that all paths from social capital and organizational transparency to organizational rip currents management and from social capital through the organizational transparency as a mediating variable to organizational rip currents management were significant and the relationship between them could be confirmed. Then, it could be concluded that the investment on social capital along with social transparency can help manage organizational rip currents.
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Deyhimpour, M. . "The Effect of Social Capital on Organizational Rip Currents Mediated by Organizational Transparency", Social Capital Management, 8, 3, 2021, 399-424. doi: 10.22059/jscm.2021.321160.2140
Deyhimpour, M. (2021). 'The Effect of Social Capital on Organizational Rip Currents Mediated by Organizational Transparency', Social Capital Management, 8(3), pp. 399-424. doi: 10.22059/jscm.2021.321160.2140
M. Deyhimpour, "The Effect of Social Capital on Organizational Rip Currents Mediated by Organizational Transparency," Social Capital Management, 8 3 (2021): 399-424, doi: 10.22059/jscm.2021.321160.2140
Deyhimpour, M. The Effect of Social Capital on Organizational Rip Currents Mediated by Organizational Transparency. Social Capital Management, 2021; 8(3): 399-424. doi: 10.22059/jscm.2021.321160.2140