Commonality and differentiation of the concept of evaluation culture in university systems in order to develop human-social capital

Document Type : Research/Original/Regular


1 Department of Assessment and Measurement, University of Tehran

2 Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran



Purpose: Evaluation culture, with its diverse roles, impacts organizational performance and mission achievement. Alignment with missions, conditions, resources, and organizational maturity is crucial. Effective integration drives excellence and intelligent progress. This study explores evaluation culture, analyzing commonalities and variations among University of Tehran stakeholders.
Research method: The current research method was interpretive phenomenology and its participants included four categories of stakeholders including: faculty members, employees, managers and students of Tehran University, who were selected and saturated by sampling method after 61 semi-structured interviews. The finding was obtained.
Findings: Analysis in the conceptual commonalities section led to the identification of 79 indicators and their classification in the form of 19 criteria. Each of the studied groups believed in a different evaluation culture. In terms of academic stakeholders, each group believed in a different evaluation culture, and in terms of differences in educational groups; Faculty of Engineering and Technology believes in result-oriented evaluation culture, Faculty of Management and Architecture believes in wrist-based evaluation culture; Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine believes in the evaluation culture based on the development of people; The Faculty of Basic Sciences and Psychology and Education believed in the culture of responsive evaluation and the Faculty of Literature and Humanities believed in the culture of documentary evaluation.
Conclusion: Evaluation culture is a multi-dimensional problem and its implementation in organizations requires attention to the structure of each organization and its perspectives.


Main Subjects

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