Investigating the Impact of Social Capital on Citizen Safety (Case Study: Nourabad City)

Document Type : Research/Original/Regular


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Right after the formation of the first human communities during the history, the adoption of certain measures to increase the sense of security and to prevent crime perpetration in urban spaces has been an objective for the humans. From the viewpoint of the sociological approach to security, this concept cannot be analyzed in an isolated manner away from the social factors contributing to it.  One of the non-material aspects emphasized in the provision of the security regards the social capital factors that can help individuals and groups attain public interests such as security and sense of security, and can assist governmental institutions improve the effectiveness of their performance. Accordingly, the study at hand has adopted a descriptive-analytical approach to measure the social capital factors effective on citizens’ sense of security and to provide solutions to remove the factors contributing to insecurity in Nourabad city. Based on Morgan’s table, a sample of 383 participants was selected through stratified random sampling from different districts of this city, and a questionnaire was distributed among the participants for data collection purposes. The results of data analysis showed that Nourabad citizens have a low sense of security (t=-8.69). Moreover, there is a significant relationship between social capital factors and the sense of security in Nourabad districts. The identification of these factors in the districts and the estimation of their effectiveness can help us take effective measures and implement plans to the prevent crimes.


Main Subjects

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